IFLA Europe - International Federation of Landscape Architects

IFLA Europe er sammenslutningen av landskapsarkitektforeninger i Europa. IFLA Europe har sin årlige General Assemby om høsten i en europeisk by.

Foto: Skjermbilde 2020-05-22 kl. 12.00.31

Organisasjonskart IFLA Europe 2020 (pdf 7 s.)

IFLA Europe Exhibition Catalogue «Landscape as a Common Ground»

The establishment of IFLA Europe Resolutions, as an end result of scientific production, started at General assembly in Oslo in 2014. Its objective is to reinforce our General assembly where all delegates give their view on current GA topic.

2021 «Landscape here and now - Everyday landscapes»
Vedtatt på GA i Granada oktober 2021

2020 «Landscape as footprints on earth» 

2019 «Landscapes and shared memories»
Pecha Kuchas are available on IFLA Europe website

2018 «Valuing landscape»

2017 «Unlimited landscapes»
Vedtatt under General Assembly i Buchuresti 2.-4. juni
The Pecha Kucha presentations from Bucharest General Assembly

2016 «Urban landscapes»
The Pecha Kucha presentations from our General Assembly 2016
Presidentens bulletin april
IFLA Europe generalforsamling 2016

2015 «Learning from Landscapes»
The objective of achieving both scientific production and visibility with the aim of reinforcing our General Assemblies, where more than 34 National Associations are brought yearly together, the establishment of Resolutions was started in 2014. The aim is that the Conference’s theme, together with the GA’s delegate’s Pecha Kucha, and the IFLA EUROPE Award for that year, are rounded up in a thematic resolution.

2014 Resolution on «Landscape Democracy» has been presented at the 8th Conference of the European Landscape Convention organised by the Council of Europe, and can be found both in IFLA EUROPE’s and the CoE’s web pages. Last year’s Resolution focused on Urban landscapes, understanding cities as landscapes that will provide for opportunities linking the past, the present and the future in order to achieve social justice, sense of place, economic health and ecological integrity.

NLA-IFLA seminar 17 Oct: Landscape and Democracy
Draft agenda for General Assembly in Oslo 18-19 Oct 2014.
Venue/address: NLA, Arkitektenes hus, Josefines gate 34, NO-0351 Oslo

Presidentens Bulletin november 2014 (engelsk)
Presidentens Bulletin oktober 2014: English - French - Spanish

IFLA Europe General Assembly, Oslo, Norway 18. - 19. Oct 2014

Presidentens bulletin, februar 2015
Presidentens bulletin, april 2015
April - World Landscape Architecture Month
Presidentens bulletin, juli 2015
Presidentens Bulletin, november 2015

Executive Secretary DANIELLA MICANOVIC secretariat@iflaeurope.eu

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