Hybrid Workshop “Common ground for energy landscapes”

31.aug kl 10.00 -01.sep kl 09.00

Hybrid Workshop “Common ground for energy landscapes” 31 August - 1 September 2023
Nine members of IFLA Europe - Nordic, Baltic and Dutch National Associations of landscape architecture - will organise a hybrid workshop and seminar on renewable energy production in the landscape on 31 August - 1 September 2023
Suomen Maisema-arkkitehtiliitto MARK Finland - Finnish Association of Landscape Architects
Danske Landskabsarkitekter Denmark - Association of Danish Landscape Architects
Norske landskapsarkitekters forening -Norwegian Association of Landscape Architects
Félag íslenskra landslagsarkitekta - Iceland Landscape Architects Association
Sveriges Arkitekter - Swedish Landscape Architects
Eesti Maastikuarhitektide Liit - Estonian Landscape Architects’ Union
Latvijas Ainavu arhitektu asociācija - Latvian Landscape Architects Association
Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio architektų sąjunga - Lithuanian Association of Landscape Architects
NVTL, the Netherlands - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tuin- en Landschapsarchitectuur/the Netherlands Association for Garden and Landscape Architecture

Members are kindly invited to join 31 August and 1 September
at the Danske Landskabsarkitekter office in Copenhagen or online.

At the seminar on Thursday 31 August, different perspectives from Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark from both academics, practitioners and developers, will be presented and discussed. The workshop will continue on Friday 1 September with an excursion to a nearby site.
The results will be included in a White Paper on good planning and design of renewable energy and advocating the role of landscape architects.
The Nordic, Baltic and Dutch associations for landscape architecture have started a network (Community of Practice) of practicing landscape architects working on energy landscapes. The project is supported by IFLA Europe.