Nordiske landskapsarkitekter, IFLA Europe og IFLA World i solidaritet med Ukraina

IFLA står for samarbeid, gjensidig forståelse, toleranse og støtte til menneskerettigheter og krever at konflikten stanses umiddelbart.

Foto: ukrainian flag

Nordiske landskapsarkitekter står sammen i fordømmelsen av Russlands invasjon av den selvstendige staten Ukraina

 •       Vi støtter det ukrainske folk og våre ukrainske landskapsarkitektkollegaer i dette mørke kapitel i vår felles Europeiske historie 

•       Vi sørger over de liv som har gått tapt i krigen og oppfordrer samtlige innblandede om å medvirke til en umiddelbar slutt på de menneskelige lidelsene og den økologiske katastrofen krigen fører med seg 

•       Vi uttrykker vår solidaritet med de millioner mennesker som tvinges til å forlate sine hjem og sitt barndoms landskap på grunn av krigshandlingene i Ukraina

•       Vi oppfordrer den russiske regjeringen til umiddelbart å trekke sine militære styrker og respektere Ukraina som en selvstendig nasjon

Les også artikkel om felles opprop fra de fem arkitektorganisasjonene i Norge

IFLA Europe

IFLA Europe, the European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects, with its 34 members National Associations representing 18.000 Landscape Architects in Europe, stands in solidarity with Ukraine and its people and all those affected by the conflict.

We are in contact with our Ukrainian National Association President and have expressed our full support in these horrible times for Ukrainian people.
Many of our National Associations across Europe have expressed support and condemned the recent events in Ukraine. IFLA Europe has always been supportive to its members to exercise their profession in a constant manner for the benefit of landscape and environment, to promote international cooperation and share experiences and challenges of the present and the future. IFLA Europe stands for cooperation, mutual understanding, tolerance and support to fundamental human rights.

We can only hope that the reason will prevail and that a peaceful solution will be sought to end this crisis.

On behalf of IFLA Europe Executive Council
Katerina Gkoltsiou, IFLA Europe President

Solidarity with Ukraine

The International Federation of Landscape Architects, IFLA, joins as a global community to show our solidarity to the people of Ukraine. Faced with unimaginable disruption and devastation to their cities and countryside, we join the call for peace and the immediate cessation of hostilities. 

IFLA represents the global community of landscape architects with membership of national associations in 77 countries and all regions of the world. The destruction of cultural heritage, productive and natural landscapes, and disruption to the economic livelihood and cultural roots of Ukraine’s population is to be deplored. 

IFLA was established in 1948 to represent the profession of landscape architects globally. Its mission is to advocate for safe, productive, inclusive and healthy environments. As a global organization we unequivocally call for an immediate end to this conflict. 

James Hayter IFLA President March 2022 
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